What is Ethics & Why is it Important in Research?
Research and publication ethics are closely connected due to their significance to the process of publication. While research ethics protects research participants directly, publication ethics helps ensure veracity of published information.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Research and Publication Ethics (Text + Audio)
Chapter 2: Author Responsibilities in Publication Ethics (Text + Audio)
Chapter 3: Publisher Responsibilities in Publication Ethics (Text + Audio)
Chapter 4: ICMJE guidelines and COPE (Text + Audio)
Chapter 5: Authorship (Text + Audio)
Chapter 6: Simultaneous Submission (Text + Audio)
Chapter 7: Disclosure, Consent, and Permission (Text + Audio)
Chapter 8: Copyrights and Permissions (Text + Audio)
Chapter 9: Plagiarism (Text + Audio)
Chapter 10: Conflict of Interest (Text + Audio)
Chapter 11: Research Fraud (Text + Audio)
Chapter 12: Salami Slicing (Text + Audio)
Chapter 13: Retractions after Publication (Text + Audio)
Chapter 14: Dealing with Mistakes (Text + Audio)
Chapter 15: Advantages of Publishing Ethically (Text + Audio)
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