什么是科研伦理及其重要性 (中文) Research and publication ethics are closely connected due to their significance to the process of publication. While research ethics protects research participants directly, publication ethics helps ensure veracity of published information. Enroll Now
1 什么是科研伦理及其重要性 (中文) Chapter 1: 引言 Chapter 2: 作者的责任 Chapter 3: 出版商的责任 Chapter 4: ICMJE 准则 Chapter 5: 著作权 Chapter 6: 一稿多投 Chapter 7: 披露、知情同意、许可 Chapter 8: 内容版权 Chapter 9: 剽窃及其防范措施 Chapter 10: 利益冲突 Chapter 11: 研究造假 Chapter 12: 切香肠论文 Chapter 13: 出版后撤稿 Chapter 14: 文章发表后如何处理错误 什么是科研伦理及其重要性 (中文) - 小测试 Chapter 15: 遵守出版道德规范的好处