开放存取出版的利与弊 (中文) Many researchers are sceptical of open access journals because of their low IF and high cost. This module provides an introduction to the key aspects of open access publishing and how it is expected to change scholarly publishing in the future. Enroll Now
1 开放存取出版的利与弊 (中文) Chapter 1: 引言 Chapter 2: 开放科学与数据共享 Chapter 3: 该否参与开放获取? Chapter 4: 开放获取之存储库与协会 Chapter 5: 推进科学传播 Chapter 6: 通过开放获取分享研究成果 Chapter 7: 道德方面的挑战 开放存取出版的利与弊 (中文) - 小测试